Beijing Yi Zhuang ” core ” contribution: Annulus of annulus of echo of from beginning to end is linked together qualitative change of industry of developing zone IC

Beijing Yi Zhuang ” core ” contribution: Annulus of annulus of echo of from beginning to end is linked together qualitative change of industry of developing zone IC

On April 15, include the Yan Dongwei that Beijing division achieved a center to build priority discipline detailed list 2018 the electron industrialization of research and development of 8 inches of integrated circuit and project of Feng Ceping station hold upper beam ceremony, this project predicts this year the bottom is in development put into production. This also is this year since first half of the year, own research and development designs source of rainbow of afterwards division profitProductionLaser of first high-energy accurate element is checked and accept smoothly through leaving factory, north China is achieved 2 period investment is used… the positive result of plentiful and substantial that industry of Beijing Yi Zhuang integrated circuit obtains again. It is reported, this project will be first massive amount of Beijing produces 8 inches of integrated circuit to produce a line, the quantity is postpartum, produce per month can can achieve 50 thousand, design place of courtyard of enterprise, scientific research to provide trial-produce platform for Beijing area at the same time, offer for equipment and data companyTest and verifyPlatform, conduce to the technical innovation center that accelerates Beijing to make industry of countrywide integrated circuit.
Echo of from beginning to end annulus annulus is linked together
From Yan Dong 8 inches of projects see industry of developing zone IC qualitative change
As factory beam slowly rise, on April 15, the industrialization of research and development of 8 inches of integrated circuit that company of Yan Dongwei electron is located in a developing zone and project of Feng Ceping station completed upper beam ceremony, industry of developing zone integrated circuit increases new force again.
Leave this year year to now, good news of industry of developing zone integrated circuit is ceaseless, own research and development designs source of division profit rainbowProductionLaser of first high-energy accurate element is checked and accept smoothly through leaving factory, north China is achieved 2 period investment is used, power dispatch is sealed measure enlarge to produce project autograph to make an appointment with… industry of Beijing Yi Zhuang integrated circuit has been formed from quantitative change ” qualitative change ” , enterprise of a batch of delegates and research organization carried on to tie home of the various states great science and technology is special the task, reach in crucial equipment material, advancedCraftthe respect such as development and industrialization obtains nationality of a batch of delegates the achievement of top level, for implementation of industry of our country integrated circuit own development laid solid foundation, also establish Beijing precedes mediumly in position of industry of countrywide integrated circuit position.
Is achievement changed? Ability of industrial research and development lasts promotion
Long-term since, our country integrated circuit counts an import badly, unfavorable balance of trade expands continuously. Annual the chip that our country exceeds 200 billion dollar from abroad entrance, this one amount was 2016 about double of oil entrance amount. Import cost to make a person anxious more than a huge sum however, it is the national information that chip depends on western developed country badly to bringSafeWith national strategy pressure. Serve as a country ” industrial commissariat ” , chip is all almostEquipment” heart ” . If depend on a foreign country blindlyProduct, cannot paddle his own canoe in the implementation on chip, national informationSafeBe sure to always be in menace under.
The People’s Daily goes out in middle finger of news analyst article: Master core skill in him hand only, ability masters the active power that compete and expands truly, ability from go up at all safety of safeguard country economy, national defence safety and other security. Core technology leans mendicant otherwise comes, also be to spend money to buy what do not come. The stress of the second half that Chinese economy grows is development of implementation high quality, realize the own innovation of core technology.
So in recent years, enterprise of Chinese integrated circuit promotes the research and development of ego capability ceaselessly, obtained positive result of a batch of exclamatory making a person, and in this among them, with respect to the form of company of development thering is no lack of. With in core international is exemple, from 2014 up to now, 3 years short the 2.92 billion dollar that company sales revenue raises to 2016 from 1.97 billion dollar, specified number of annual interest profit raises 380 million dollar from 150 million dollar, be built in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenzhen early or late and extend 3 12 inches of product line reach 1 8 inches of product line, expand produce can. At the same time technology of 28 accept rice uses chip of mainstream mobile phone extensively also in, research and development of technology of 14 accept rice undertakes as scheduled. To 2017 3 quarters, in of core internationalPatentApplication gross exceeds 14 thousand, accredit gross exceeds 7000, of 28 accept rice and technology of node of key of 14 accept ricePatentApplication amount resides the whole world respectively the 2nd mixes the 5th, the volume of brilliant round shipment that designs IP activation occupies the 70% above that company total shipment measures, overall appear firm in to good development posture.
Not long ago, ” Beijing strengthens center of innovation of countrywide science and technology to build key task to worked 2018Plan” release, focusing ” 3 cities one area ” the deploy of 6 big fields such as construction carries out a key to work, the developing zone will carry program with 11 keys job the industry gives priority to force, aid push Beijing to accelerate construction of center of innovation of countrywide science and technology. Among them integrated circuit industry regards a key as the industry, beijing Yi Zhuang is the brushstroke that drew thick Mo Chongcai with 8 projects more, include to produce per month 50 thousand advanced characteristic among themCraftYan Dong project of product line of 8 inches of integrated circuit.
In two years of in the past, because content couplet net, car uses electron, wisdom,the domain application such as household is driven extensively, cause integrated circuit industry round factory of 8 inches of brilliant produces can severe shortage, 8 inches of integrated circuitProductDemand is exuberant. The personage inside course of study thinks, production of chip of domestic integrated circuit was greeted new opportunity of round of development. Yan Dong project basically produces 8 inches of lines wide amount to chip of 0.11um integrated circuit to reach itsEncloseThe product after, produce per month can achieve 50 thousand (25Photoetching) . In the meantime, this project also is first massive amount of Beijing produces 8 inches of lines, pass as top as internationalDriveManufacturer of parts of an apparatus of circuit, power cooperates, build the characteristic technology with domestic the most advanced technology to produce a line, for Beijing area place of courtyard of design business, scientific research provides trial-produce platform, offer for equipment and data companyTest and verifyPlatform, conduce to the technical innovation center that accelerates Beijing to make industry of countrywide integrated circuit.
Actually, achievement changes one of characteristic that be born is a developing zone all the time, those who regard 3 cities as one area one ” area ” , beijing Yi Zhuang carried on the achievement of science and technology of 3 big scientific cities changes the job. Yan Dong project is not an exemple, by this year March, laser of first when design of own research and development produces limited company of technology of photoelectricity of source of rainbow of Beijing division profit high-energy accurate element is checked and accept smoothly through leaving factory. This product fill home is in the blank of domain of technology of accurate element laser, broke foreign manufacturer to be opposite of this technology product long-termThe marketForestall. After prototype finishs relevant experiment test and verify, will begin to offer order form to group of Shanghai microelectronics equipment.
Two of only of Beijing of developing zone bear ” national group ” the identity, all previous classics develops for years, formed mix in certain technology industry advancedMakeThe industrial group on employment base, collect center of research and development of of all kinds estate (bibcock enterprise) , build through what innovation serves a system with perfect, drive innovation to be climbed to value catenary high end litre, formThe marketRadiation effect. Xu Jiang of secretary of leading Party group of Beijing committee of science and technology, director is introducing 3 cities when one area locates, ever had said, development course is some nearer year breed and develop, had made the assemble division of high-grade industry, and formed a few industries that have outstanding distinguishing feature greatly, for instance integrated circuit. And future, beijing Yi Zhuang will make the advanced and new-style memory that precedes for the whole world, base band chip andRadio frequencyActing labour of electron of circuit, electric power and power parts of an apparatus, integrated circuit and equipment the research and development of domain of 4 big high-gradeMakeCenter, make industry of Chinese integrated circuit truly ” core ” the core area that force rises abruptly and bear the weight of the ground.
Is annulus annulus photograph buckled? Build perfect industry catenary
Catenary of integrated circuit industry includes raw material, Equipment, design, make and seal measure this 5 much, each part includes field of a lot of fractionize again. Developing zone from the value that realizes industrial catenary at the beginning, international of the core in was being introduced early or late, north China is achieved, power dispatch, Ying Feiling, collect starts the business such as north, get through industrial catenary swims up and down, formed include to make, EncloseTest, the catenary of complete integrated circuit industry such as equipment, component and material, design, already made domestic scale the base of integrated circuit property with the biggest, top level.
Providing powerful service for the enterprise besides, the developing zone is to was development of integrated circuit business to offer more strongCapitalSupport, built with Yi Zhuang the country casts the integrated circuit that is core to join financing system, share fund of integrated circuit estate in all 12, fund total dimensions exceeds 160 billion yuan, yi Zhuang country is cast identify capture contributive dimensions exceeds 16 billion yuan, the key participates industry of national integrated circuitInvestmentFund (national level) , Beijing integrated circuit is made and equip child fund (Beijing class) , design of Beijing integrated circuit and measure child fund (Beijing class) , as Oriental as Beijing of factory of global tertiary face plate collaboration creates core kinetic energyInvestmentFund, withChip designBurgeoning business market achieves northward collaboration to establish Tang Changhou of towering like a mountain peak to invest fund to wait.
The developing zone establishs globalization position actively, rely on Yi Zhuang country to cast cast financing platform, organizationCapitalDevelop abroad project and buy, industry of implementation integrated circuit is mixed into the project first transfer of technology, introduce core successfully to become semiconductor (science and technology of power of ISSI) , a person of extraordinary powers (OV) , Matesen (Mattson) equipment company and Swedish Silex (MEMSBrilliant circle generation is versed inFactory) wait for enterprise of link of key of catenary of industry of abroad integrated circuit, conduce to our country be in equipment of chip of sensor of memory, image, semiconductor, MEMS (system of personal computer cable) wait for crucial domain to realize tortuous path overtake, and the industry is blank related fill home.
What high grade environment brought an industry is fast gather. In recent years, the integrated circuit industry of the developing zone obtained significant progress and breakthrough, already collected fluctuation to swim the company is close 100, industrial chain is perfect with each passing day, gross of production value of key industry industry goes to 21.56 billion yuan of 2017 by 12.57 billion yuan of growth 2013, year all add fast 17.8% .
Link is designed in integrated circuit, enter as what collect achieves north halt and to industrial catenary downstream outspread, design business and Beijing east, medium cooperation of business of core international core is more close, the mode of fictitious IDM gets aggrandizement and breakthrough. Together with core of the Ying Feiling of settle, an ancient name for China, million is easy before my area innovation a batch when wait for a company inside domestic and international famous integrated circuit designs a company, be helpful for compose building ” chip -Software- overall – system – information serves ” big integrated circuit is own ecosystem.
InBrilliant circle is madeLink, with in the product line of circle of 12 inches of brilliant that core north is a delegate, the line of craft of 8 inches of characteristic that with Yan Dongwei the electron is a delegate and the MEMS sensor chip that are a delegate with Na Weixi Lei product line in succession settle and start working construction. Among them, in enlarge of project of core north B2 is postpartum will form add up to with B1 project 120 thousand / round high end of 12 inches of brilliant is produced can, 130-14 of craft node over or across accept rice, make domestic scale the integrated circuit with the biggest, the most advanced technology produces base, future still will continue enlarge is produced reach 300 thousand / of the month tremendous produce can; Item of 8 inches of lines will become Yan Dong first massive amount of Beijing produces 8 inches of lines, it is the important complement of round product line of 12 inches of brilliant, for Beijing area place of courtyard of design business, scientific research provides trial-produce platform, provide platform of test and verify for equipment and data company. Na Weixi Lei plans to introduce the banner MEMS project inside 13 course of study to turn integrated application core technology and 27 groups in all more than 200 international is patent, form MEMS product research and development to make platform andManufacturing managementSystem, build the MEMS that Beijing leads international first times the standard acting labour product line, line of acting work of craft of silicon of body of fill home pure MEMS is blank.
In encloseTestLink, power dispatch combines semiconductor limited company (Qorvo) it is design of a collect, development and production “Radio frequency” the American solely invested enterprise that integrated circuit product is an organic whole, the device of enlarge of radio frequency integrated circuit that the product uses at wireless communication (RFICs) with signal processing transmits equipment, the company is the main supplier of product of amplifier of global result frequency, devote oneself to to develop a place wireless local area network (WLAN) reach blue tooth the market of wireless technology product. Power dispatch enlarge produces an item developing zone of formal already settle, the project is amounted to postpartum, the development will be new be born business of an one billion four hundred and ten million and sixty-five thousand four hundred and eight stage. In the meantime, the developing zone is introducing those who have industry advanced technique actively to seal survey a project, continue to promote developing zone integrated circuit to seal measure ability.
Segment is produced in equipment, already forming formerly with on the foundation that north China starts the semiconductor high end that is a delegate to equip, in recent years the key was introduced what be a delegate with source of division of energy of source of division profit rainbow, Hua Zhuo, Oriental brilliant is homebredPhotoetchingAircraft component group. Among them, beijing is northward China the research and development that starts microelectronics equipment limited company to devote oneself to to make equipment of high-end semiconductor technology and core component and production base, develop successfully in order to cut corrode facility (ETCH) , facility of deposit of chemical gas phase (CVD) , facility of deposit of physical gas phase (PVD) more than kinds of 20 product that product of equipment of 3 kinds of big semiconductor is a foundation, replace foreign firm successfully congener product, partial product make one’s bow is abroad mainstream chip product line. Limited company of technology of photoelectricity of source of rainbow of Beijing division profit develops a nation in the round development of project of light source of exposure of type of immersion of 02 special 28nm, completed the test of 193nm project prototype; The organ of photoetching of home of pad of station of photoetching engine work that Inc. of science and technology of division of energy of boreal capital eminent manufactures bolts component research and development and production domain blank, have the advantage place that molopolize and cannot replace, develop photoetching aircraft for next Beijing overall development lays a foundation. Limited company of science and technology of microelectronics of Oriental brilliant source assumes 02 special jobs, completed a stage homebred muti_function the system of testing system of electron beam graph is compositive, achieve international advanced level.
Strike calm target? From ” with the person that run ” to ” get the person that run “
In the governmental working report this year, integrated circuit is included ” governmental working report ” hypostatic economy grows the first place, national government is spent to the heavy visual range of this industry see one spot. Subsequently, if the policy that industry of stimulative integrated circuit develops emerges in endlessly like emerge, integrated circuit industry had entered fast hair exhibition period. And Beijing Yi Zhuang also placed ” little cause ” , use 5-10 year, the synchronism of production technology of production technology of implementation integrated circuit, integrated circuit equipment and level of international mainstream technology develops, progressively implementation integrated circuit is made reach equipment to make from ” with the person that run ” to ” get the person that run ” span, become the lead person of innovation of science and technology of domestic integrated circuit, promote the development of industry of domestic integrated circuit.
Integrated circuit industry is the fundamental industry that supports development of current science and technology, its make a standard is the important sign that measures high-tech of a country to develop a standard, and the technological equipment that uses treatment to make integrated circuit chip more the high end that holding whole industry chain, make the mark of ability of competition of advanced country science and technology.
At present business of production of equipment of domestic integrated circuit is absent a few, but mostBrilliant circle is madeThe enterprise is look focusing as before however over foreign equipment, aptPurchaseForeign equipment. This among them, with abroad entrance equipment has certain difference on the specifications that having one part reason is homebred equipment and stability, and the stability that chip makes a process must assure equipment performance is reliable. “Integrated circuit development needs us to have the patience of fault tolerance, get limits is popularized and applied greatly only, homebred equipment ability rises abruptly truly. ” the developing zone produces Li Dongming of hurried bureau deputy director general to say. To promote the promotion of homebred equipment and application, in the country 02 special support fall, one is formed in catenary of industry of developing zone integrated circuit in recent years ” small circle of people ” .
2014, silicon engraves plasma of rice of 12 inches of when north China starts own research and development 28 accept corrode machine is comprehensive test and verify of craft of whole technological process of product line of international of the core in passing, obtain client order, this is indicating equipment of high end of Chinese integrated circuit is homebred change obtain new breakthrough. Subsequently, north China is achieved, the brilliant circle product line that quantity of international of the core in the make one’s bow of a batch of homebred equipment such as Beijing appearance automation produces.
In ” Beijing strengthens center of innovation of countrywide science and technology to build key task to worked 2018Plan” in, having name of a project is ” in core international integrated circuit makes important equipment homebred assay card and quantity produce applied project ” . In this project, in automation of appearance of core international, Beijing, north China achieves division of labor to make clear, came true with respective technical advantage homebred the line technology test that turns equipment, test and verify and clientAttestation, advance homebred the large-scale application that turns important equipment to go up in product line. Among them, beijing appearance automation assumes 4 kinds homebred the design that turns equipment, make, the technology is improved reach field service. North China starts the design that assumes Dry Clean equipment, UV Cure equipment, make, the technology is improved reach field service.
Besides in besides core international, industrialization of research and development of 8 inches of integrated circuit and project of Feng Ceping station are assuming the Yan Dong that is about to seal a top this year likewise the important task of homebred equipment test and verify. Company vise general manager tells a reporter, yan Dong plans future make in Beijing Yi Zhuang pure homebred product line, rate of homebred equipment application is striven for achieve 100% .
In ” Beijing strengthens center of innovation of countrywide science and technology to build key task to worked 2018 plan ” in early childhood, microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences the resource of research and development of Chinese Academy of Sciences of place general leading conformity, center of innovation of technology of national integrated circuit is built in the developing zone (Beijing) .
Integrated circuit industry has become our country to hold to the national strategy task that drive for a long time. More than 10 years recently the big thrust of national policy is moved below, industry of our country integrated circuit grows advance rapidly, whole set craft promoted continuously arrive from 0.13 micron the 6 acting technologies of 28 accept rice. However, case ” a connecting link between the preceding and the following ” the manufacturing industry link of action slants weak, create domestic industry structure extremely lopsided, the mature technology that causes an industry has and not essence of life, advanced technique is again backward. Current industry difficult position basically results from: Although technical research and development pays close attention to advanced sex to chase, but extend to technical marketability take seriously insufficient; Of domestic integrated circuit for with need serious unbalance, the yield of demand of market of press close to can fill capacity is insufficient; Weigh technical development, layout of catenary of commit suicide condition, confine business market extends capacity, restrained an enterprise to increase reserve strength; Lack what technical research and development and research and development manage to get a soldier just. Be aimed at afore-mentioned industrial difficult problem, beijing is advocated actively establish ” center of innovation of national integrated circuit ” (the following abbreviation ” innovation center ” ) , the respect such as the education of talent of the construction of catenary of the development in mature technology, whole modes of life and relation to their environment, this locality undertakes bold innovation, deepen integrated circuit industry ” supply side ” reform, the breakthrough develops bottleneck currently.
Solve for concentration ” manufacturing industry link slants mart of weak, technology extends inadequacy ” problem, a task of innovation center builds concentration homebred equipment and material namely the cooperation of school look forward to that demand of truly the line of line of special test and verify, product technology research and development that sticks vicissitude of the market of press close to, shirt-sleeve business and achievement change is peaceful close, concentrate resource of catenary of integrated entire industry, industry of integrated circuit of prospective developing zone will devote oneself to to break through mobile base band / bar of radio frequency chip, memory chip, insulation ambipolar model transistor (IGBT) / electric power electron / liquid crystalDriveChip, processor (CPU) system of cable of chip, personal computer (MEMS) the main chip product such as sensor chip. Predict 2020, industry of developing zone integrated circuit can realize year of industry production value 50 billion yuan, profit 16 billion yuan, taxation 1.6 billion yuan.
In the meantime, the developing zone still will combine chip of mainstream of domain of domestic integrated circuit to make, equipment is made and component creates a company, be aimed at the need that industry of our country integrated circuit admits, it is catalogue mark with realizing integrated circuit to be made independently, build a part ownIntellectual propertythe platform of innovation of science and technology of advanced production technology and equipment development development, become our country integrated circuit to make technology and equipment project transform research and base of test and verify, for integrated circuit production enterprise is offerred advancedTechnology research and developmentWith the communal platform of test and verify, for integrated circuit production equipment company provides the communal platform of advanced equipment research and development and test and verify, firm of the design that it is IC provides platform of new product trial-produce, study base to what college and scientific research courtyard offer advanced new technology, of industry of stimulative integrated circuit but durative development, from go up at all make sure national strategy is safe.

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