Our country develops border going abroad to precede horizontal 5G corresponds chip kernel

Our country develops border going abroad to precede horizontal 5G corresponds chip kernel

Once the resurgence communication of at the summit of one’s power won’t think of probably, a small chip pressed the company grows quickly ” time-out bolts ” : American Department of Commerce announced a few days ago, prohibit inside 7 years American enterprise offers any electronic technologies or communication element to resurgence communication.
The resurgence crisis reflection of arise suddenly gives industry of our country communication ” lack core little spirit ” awkward unfavorable situation. Future ” resurgence people ” what course to follow? “Chinese core ” of tortuous path overtake build up date already blow. Wang Donglin group announces institute of automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences formally a few days ago external, 9 years development went its last a period of time to have ownIntellectual property5G correspondsEquipmentPowerful ” heart ” — chip of UCP(general communication)Kernel, in computation ability and face of example of function power comsumption have international banner level.
Base station, smooth communication, mobile phone, these 3 are resurgence advocate business Wu. What does one paper ban of the United States mean after all? Pass through a group of data may have a restricted view one spot. The basis concerns a report, only resurgence smartphoneProductWhat there is half above to use in is to connect chip high.
And this is an iceberg only one horn. “Homebred chip basically applies at consuming a domain at present, in the industry application such as communication, military affairs, with abroadProductDifference is apparent, a lot of short board brought up be enslaved to be enslaved to of chip of our country high end the person’s situation. ” light of Xi’an of Chinese Academy of Sciences is machine place deputy researcher, medium division Mi Lei of the author that achieve a bit says.
Of Mi Lei be anxious to be not redundant. ” industry of Chinese integrated circuit analysed a report 2017 ” show, homebred chip has integrated circuit of core of current our country rate is inferior, the domain waits in terminal of the computer, mobile, homebred chip is had rate it is nearly 0.
Be by the uses Yuguang communication field smooth module of punish with this resurgence exemple, smooth chip incorporates in smooth module (namely laser, smooth detector) , still have electric chip (stimulate smooth driver, amplifier to wait namely) . At present the smooth chip of low speed is mixed electric chip (≤ 10Gbps) came true homebred, but high-speed smooth chip and electric chip (≥ 25Gbps) count an import entirely.
But high-speed smooth chip and electric chip (≥ 25Gbps) count an import entirely.. KernelIt is the core of chip, UCP is the buildup that is aimed at mobile field requirement kernel, can release below coequal specific power consumption than the traditionFrameworkGet much computational ability greatly, can satisfy new era to be opposite of great computation ability and extremely low power comsumption double long for, lead our country to spend computation and implementation of data processing domain to bend overtake in high density collect. ” the the Chinese Academy of Sciences hires Wang Donglin of former director of institute of researcher, automation to express especially.
5G times, the demand of interconnection of everythings on earth posed new challenge to computational ability. Wang Donglin says, wireless communication domain asks to signal processing speed and low power comsumption extremely tall, before a lot of high endEquipmentUse ASIC mostly (according to is specific applicationAlgorithmicDesignFrameworkhard quicken circuit) with high-powered FPGAPlanWill answer, but this makes equipment opposite solidify, cannot get used to system of coding of communication domain signal, AlgorithmicThe demand of ceaseless gradual progress. Whether to put in a kind of processor (a kind of chip) can maintain altitude already but process designing characteristic can be in again function power comsumption is close to ASIC than going up, come true truly namely “SoftwareDefinition radio ” ? This is a dream of radio industry all the time.
Nowadays, succeed as the research and development of UCP kernel, this one dream strode ahead again one pace. According to the data that Wang Donglin provides, UCP kernel broke through the tradition such as IntelChip frameworkfetters and handcuffs, through the framework innovation had high density collect to spend computational ability: The LDPC that odd nucleus can realize every second 2.5GBPS (the technology of data channel encode that 5G standard uses) the LDPC encode ability of coding and 50GBPS, every second can finish 4G to order operation of FFT of 16 complex number that decide a dot.
What concept is this? The explanation says Wang Donglin: “UCP is at present the base band of the most powerful 5G communication number on international handles a kernel, can use as 5G grand base the core of station chip and mobile phone chip. Also be international is banner at the same time, come true below acceptable price completeSoftwareDefine the chip kernel that 5G number base band handles, this is in standardFrameThe 5G times of ceaseless gradual progress has next algorithmic detail extremely strong vitality and applied foreground. ” .
He introduces, besides UCP kernel, we still developed many high-powered kernel, can satisfy mobile domain to use requirement not only, still can wait for national strategy domain and wisdom city and society in super computation, high-powered serverSafe, if exceed high-definition intelligence TV, oversoul quick to exceed high speed to be photographed according to get along with,consume kind of electron picture, the action that service industry innovation reachs since the domain such as intelligent household. (economic daily – Shen Hui of reporter of Chinese economic network)

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