Framework of innovation number bus line reduces frequency system cost

Framework of innovation number bus line reduces frequency system cost

[introduction] car manufacturer devotes oneself to to make its leave generation car safer than before, more intelligence and more the section is oily. For this, need is in the car deploy more ECU (electronic control is unit) , fall actively in order to realize a confusion of voices of intelligent radio join, road a confusion of voices (sound of RNC) , individual is divisional area (the communication inside PAZ) , car (ICC) and drive automatically wait for new character and function, this meeting guides the amount that calls subsystem increases ceaselessly, a confusion of voices of mixedder and mixedder also grade falls actively a confusion of voices. Increase of the amount ceaselessly as ECU, the weight of the cable that joins all sorts of ECU place need and cost also raise subsequently. Addition weight can reduce the fuel efficiency of the car conversely, this make car manufacturer very pained.
Framework of innovation number bus line reduces frequency system cost
Car manufacturer devotes oneself to to make its leave generation car safer than before, more intelligence and more the section is oily. For this, need is in the car deploy more ECU (electronic control is unit) , fall actively in order to realize a confusion of voices of intelligent radio join, road a confusion of voices (sound of RNC) , individual is divisional area (the communication inside PAZ) , car (ICC) and drive automatically wait for new character and function, this meeting guides the amount that calls subsystem increases ceaselessly, a confusion of voices of mixedder and mixedder also grade falls actively a confusion of voices. Increase of the amount ceaselessly as ECU, the weight of the cable that joins all sorts of ECU place need and cost also raise subsequently. Addition weight can reduce the fuel efficiency of the car conversely, this make car manufacturer very pained.
The information entertainment that car manufacturer is providing advanced, function to abound acquires a balance between system and the fuel efficiency standard that accord with a government to release. The weight that reduces existing cable can improve fuel efficiency considerably.
The current situation
Traditional car frequency ECU passes alone imitate cable or framework of existing digital bus line to join commonly, limitation of this both existence, inefficient, reach needless charge to wait. The need of car frequency system of use imitate transmission line is special and costly screen cable, will transmit signal of much passageway frequency. Much passageway supports nowadays (5.1 or 7.1) in the high sound system of Dolby or DTS decipher, what want the quantitative mushroom of cable. And, additional modulus converter (ADC) and digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) can raise systematic totle drilling cost not only, and make certain frequency function drops possibly still.
In system of up-to-date information entertainment use MOST® or aether net EAVB already extensively to wait for standard of digital bus line, because these standards can simplify considerably,this is imitate carries out the join complexity of plan. However, although MOST and aether net EAVB can increase function and flexibility,
But the small controller that needs to join costly division will carry out inn of relevant software agreement, raise systematic cost thereby. In addition, itself of these framework of digital bus line are existing to the defer between node uncertainty. Wait for the application that Yi Shouyan affects behindhand to ANC/RNC and ICC, the fundamental flaw that framework of existing digital bus line exists cannot be accepted.
Brief introduction of car frequency bus line
™ of car frequency bus line (or A2B™ ) of an innovation that is ADI company, for application unfamiliar technology. The fact proves, this technology can reduce integral cable weight at most 75% , and the digital frequency that still can offer high fidelity. Car frequency bus line (A2B) undertakes optimizing in the light of frequency application, compare imitate frequency bus line to be able to offer outstanding frequency quality, and its system totle drilling cost is far under standard of existing digital bus line. Simple for, a2B is a kind of tall bandwidth (bus line of 50 Mbps) number, it can go up in very long distance (the distance between node most be as long as 15 M, length of whole chrysanthemum catenary exceeds 40 M) , use double skeining thread of screen of a blame to control I2S frequency, I2C data, clock, transmit together with power supply.
Car frequency bus line is basic and characteristic
Taste —AD2427W and AD2426W one case, comprised newest buildup A2B to send and receive implement series, and cite a base compatible. This kind of newest product supports the chrysanthemum chain that uses odd lead plane, and most 10 from machine node, compare with photograph of product of generation A2B, its function promoted 20% (refer to a graph 1) . Have the aid of ability of catenary of this kind of chrysanthemum, distance of A2B bus line is the longest can amount to 40 M, between individual node most Sunday run can amount to 15 M. Attack with serial develop the structure replaces annular develop to attack the structure is an important element in A2B technology, crucial to integral system integrality and stability. If a node of A2B chrysanthemum catenary is affected, whole network won’t break down. The node with breakdown only downstream node can suffer an effect. And the source that A2B technology sets diagnostic function to be able to judge breakdown inside some especially and origin, give out interrupt signal, start safeguard.
Framework of innovation number bus line reduces frequency system cost
Functional-block diagram of bus line of frequency of graph 1.A2B car.
Compare with photograph of existing framework of digital bus line, develop of line of A2B principal and subordinate attacks structural itself is more efficient. After starting technological process of simple bus line initialization, need not more processor interpose, bus line can convention moves. A when the distinctive framework of A2B brings additional good point is, systematic defer is affirmatory (the defer of 2 clock cycle) , and defer and frequency node are in the position on A2B bus line has nothing to do. This character is symphonious to the speech such as ANC/RNC and ICC frequency application is all in all, in these application, the means that must agree with sequential handles the frequency sample of many long-range sensor.
AD2428W, AD2427W and AD2426W A2B are sent and receive implement screen double skeining thread can is not to go up in transmission frequency, control, clock and power supply signal. This can reduce systematic totle drilling cost, the reason is as follows.
Compare with photograph of traditional executive plan, reduced the amount of physical wire cable.
The wire cable that uses actually can be cost the blame screen double skeining thread with lower, lighter weight, the screen cable with costlier and rather than.
The most important is, to specific applied setting, a2B technology can provide the power supply of small-power, transmit the electricity that does not exceed 300 MA the frequency node that goes up to A2B chrysanthemum catenary. Had this small-power power supply to transmit, need not use this locality power source on frequency ECU, reduce systematic cost further thereby.
The bandwidth of 50 Mbps bus line that A2B technology offers is most supportable rate of sampling of frequency of 32 use standards (44.1 KHz, 48 KHZ) and wide (12, 16, 24) go up and passageway of frequency of be issued to lower levels. This can offer quite big flexibility and join sex for a variety of frequency I/O equipment. Catenary of signal of frequency of total number word is maintained to be able to assure the frequency character of top quality between frequency ECU, because ADC/DAC changeover causes frequency function,won’t drop.
The place before be like is narrated, systematic level diagnostic function is a of A2B technology important element. On all A2B node, can judge a variety of breakdown situations, include short circuit of open circuit, electrical wiring, electrical wiring to be received instead, electrical wiring short circuit reachs power source or ground. Look from systematic integrality angle, this function is very main, when because be received instead in short circuit of occurrence open a way, electrical wiring or electrical wiring,waiting for breakdown, the A2B node of trouble spot advanced position still can work normally. Diagnostic function still provides the capability of breakdown of level of efficient segregation system, from car dealer / in light of the angle that installs staff, this are crucial.
Use SigmaStudio™ graph changes development environment (the development tool with SigmaDSP® of supportive ADI company and SHARC® processor set is identical) can simplify considerably the design process of the system that uses A2B. SigmaStudio adopts the tool chain with banner industry, initialization A2B network, configure all register. Bandwidth of A2B bus line still is included in SigmaStudio environment calculator and pile up rate tester by accident (BERT) . ADI still offers numerous complete function to evaluate set, can complete the archetypal design of actual A2B network quickly, accelerate systematic plan thereby inchoate test and verify and test, test and verify and debug a process.
Target market and application
Numerous maturity and burgeoning market application will be benefited because of A2B technology. Target application includes:
Frequency ECU (result of Che Zaiyin noisy lead plane, advanced frequency is put) join
Use at avoiding to carry communicate / speech recognition / the microphone array of the communication inside the car
Fall actively a confusion of voices, road a confusion of voices falls actively a confusion of voices
Individual news division is divisional / active loudhailer
Drive ECall and teleprocessing system, automatically to jockey system, automatically system
Life style is asked for monitor
Intelligent radio joins
Frequency ECU join is a maturity, the applied field that has appeal. Numerous quantity produces a car in already deploy uses A2B. In the simple case that puts to advanced frequency result in join of acoustics lead plane (refer to a graph 2) , a2B need not use many wire cable to join much passageway frequency, navigation, mobile phone and clew sound. A2B can replace cable of all and relevant wire the blame screen that is low cost double skeining thread, this kind of join kind that has through A2B already passed test and test and verify, accord with the strictest car EMC and EMI compatibility requirement.
Framework of innovation number bus line reduces frequency system cost
Graph 2. The give typical examples of bus line of A2B car frequency inside the car.
The microphone join of efficient economy is the first consideration element in the design, facilitated a variety of use case and application. Sex of join of blue tooth ® and avoid carry / speech recognition system already became standard configuration, in certain zone system of urgent call ECall already made compulsive demand. From the point of the angle of car plant, the trend is to alone or the much microphone that undertakes constructional for the unit with module (2 reach 4) the system develops. No matter why be planted circumstance, the systematic totle drilling cost that uses A2B technology is far the cost that produces under imitate join, in much microphone array particularly such. All A2B are sent and receive implement all support amount to 4 PDM microphone to be received, it is thereby in 4 microphone array, 3 microphone lines in saving traditional join means.
Road a confusion of voices falls actively the develop produce that a confusion of voices is more extensive ANC application field, a lot of car manufacturer are evaluating this application. In broadband ANC, can offset the sound related to referenced input harmonic, and the part is not harmonic relevant or random sound. These referenced inputs distributing to be offerred in the acceleration sensor of automobile body periphery through entity commonly, the commonnest in 4 suspension. The other input of broadband ANC system can come from Error microphone —— to also distributing at car interior, the passenger place that needs to produce quiet division in every for instance decorates. From every accelerometer / microphone handles unit connection to broadband ANC, traditional executive plan uses imitate connection. Apparent, its wiring cost, complexity all exorbitant, the connector area on processing unit also needs very big. And these problems all can be solved through A2B plan.
Burgeoning to needing the sensor connective with efficient economy applying, a2B also can be regarded as to have the technology that urges action. Drive automatically, life style is asked for monitor and jockey automatically the application such as the system predicts to be produced at beginning a quantity 2020, the character that can offer from A2B technology, function, convenient gender and appear on the market quickly the benefit in waiting for an advantage.
A2B is framework of bus line of a kind of number, the frequency that can center for wiring and control application offer a series of optimizing, still can raise systematization to be able to be mixed reduce systematic cost.
A2B offers quality of frequency of outclass imitate connective, still can provide the framework of low cost, digital bus line that can expand at the same time.
A2B can offer low risk solution in all sorts of car application.
Begin from 2016, the system that is based on A2B already entered deploy phase, at present the systematic amount of consign already exceeded 2 million.
The develop produce AD2427W of compact, low cost mixes AD2428W and function AD2426W, represented a function to increase model A2B is sent and receive implement newest development plans according to established development namely, devote oneself to to come true taller compositive spend and function

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