Enterprise of bibcock of white report robot plays cross a boundary, pull Reynolds of hand abundant cropland

Enterprise of bibcock of white report robot plays cross a boundary, pull Reynolds of hand abundant cropland

[introduction] recently, the Yang Guojiang of chairman of bureau of director of group of garden of laurel of caller —— green jade that limited company of Fosan grand deep robot greeted a heavyweight. Not long ago, yang Guojiang just was released in grand deep nearby, the plan that robot cereal proposes near headquarters of garden of green jade laurel. In fact, grand is in greatly with garden of green jade laurel the contact of robot domain is quite intimate, at present both sides has managed strategic collaboration relation. In forest of domestic robot industry, deep dimensions does not consider grand very big, by the favour that why attracts garden of ambitious green jade laurel?
Enterprise of bibcock of white report robot plays cross a boundary, pull Reynolds of hand abundant cropland
Recently, the Yang Guojiang of chairman of bureau of director of group of garden of laurel of caller —— green jade that limited company of Fosan grand deep robot greeted a heavyweight. Not long ago, yang Guojiang just was released in grand deep nearby, the plan that robot cereal proposes near headquarters of garden of green jade laurel. In fact, grand is in greatly with garden of green jade laurel the contact of robot domain is quite intimate, at present both sides has managed strategic collaboration relation. In forest of domestic robot industry, deep dimensions does not consider grand very big, by the favour that why attracts garden of ambitious green jade laurel?
The 4th China that holds from next month bottom (Guangdong) international “ Internet + ” exposition (the following abbreviation: : &Ldquo; Internet + ” exposition) in, grand is deep (“ Internet + ” exposition extends a date: 3 houses 3B221) ginseng exhibit can find the solution probably.
Current “ Internet + the theme of ” exposition is “ number tide, wisdom achieve interconnection ” . Regard domestic white home appliance as system of the first robot compositive business, grand is deep will reveal newest, shirt-sleeve the industrial Internet platform of robot and big data, beautiful the newest robot that gives to cross a bound to cut automobile industry from home appliance uses case.
Wall of one side liquid crystal, hiding the mystery of intelligent factory
Walk into the first floor hall of grand deep robot, feel dye-in-the-wood besides science and technology of manipulator of of all kinds outside, the liquid crystal wall that shows by ten screen is mosaic at the same time dazzles likewise cruel is dazzing. The data that every show to screen is revealed together beats ceaselessly refresh, and complementary appear with what all sorts of chart and video regard production as the circumstance.
This is grand deep the industrial robot informatization that rolls out this year and cloud service platform, adopt platform, content of schedule of fraction defective of production of the condition that the robot runs, product line, production, storage flows wait for information but be clear at a glance.
“ goes we are to be aimed at spray, polish, crust to assemble wait for onefold manufacturing segment to have research and development, we rise these link series connection now the ’ of ‘ unmanned factory that builds entire chain. ” grand deep robot manages ministry minister Chen Xin to say.
In intelligence nobody are versed in in the factory, need to always accuse central platform through what intelligence changes only to send a statement everywhere: If need how many facility today. After product line obtains an injunction, AGV robot begins to take the stuff on makings automatically, the cooperation of robot division of labor of each link, burnish, spray, assemble; After assembling working procedure automatically to finish, product line can detect automatically the safety performance of the product and exterior, if electric meal Bao heats,exterior of whether appropriate, product has whether to wait normally without scratch, key-press; Detect after finishing, begin to issue …… of battlements of makings, code, stored in a barn
Chen Xin introduces, build the original intention of this platform, just solve the problem that long-range operation maintains client facility to go to the lavatory, but discovery combines big data to undertake upgrading to this platform later, can create greater value for the client. Come two this years, grand deep accumulative total throws many yuan 500, drive “ robot + the confluence of big data ” . Wait for the bibcock of domestic Internet, mechanical domain through cultivating an interconnection, 31 heavy industry jointly, development gives platform of exclusive industry Internet.
Nowadays, this platform already built the entire industry chain that data analysis, processing collects from data since compose. The value of these data is very great, through undertaking an analysis to data, can essence of life diagnoses robot application enterprise definitely the flaw of whole production technological process. Next the point of view that suit the remedy to the case produces from seed profit offers a solution, make a perfect benefit curve.
 “ lets a equipment couplet net is development of industrial robot industry big trend, we just go in front. ” is current intelligence of province of selected already Guangdong creates this platform demonstrative project, receive many 10 enterprise successfully to produce a system in the center.
Enterprise of bibcock of white report robot plays cross a boundary, pull Reynolds of hand abundant cropland
Arrive from home appliance car, fosan grand is deep make “ industry robot + Internet ” platform, built-in intelligence produces entire industry chain.
March from white cable market the car is made, pull Reynolds of hand abundant cropland successfully
The “ Internet this year + on ” exposition, besides carry groovily before, stacking machine implement outside person project, grand will take out cut of car door spot welding, laser, laser beam welding greatly to receive at a heat wait for many newest application case.
This also represented the newest gain that the robot business with deep grand extends to automobile industry from traditional white home appliance.
Hold water from 2013 up to now, grand deep robot is dedicated all the time at domain of white home appliance, had been the United States, force of letter of Ge Lanshi, sea, division, 10 thousand and wait for large quantities of one white phone companies to offer applied automation and robot solution, still be robot of Japanese plain Qi in chinese mainland area the mainest strategy cooperates square, be in 5 years continuously China sale is ranked the first. At present the company is had in the market of white home appliance rate already exceeded 60% . Hold water 5 years to come already robot of accumulative total sale exceeds 5000.
However, as home appliance industry competition turns white-hot with each passing day, add fast put delay, in home appliance automation in upgrading, grab the grand of ” of soup of “ head eat is greatly, also lay a finger on of hard to avoid arrives growth ceiling. And in automobile industry, although start later, but as a result of integral market dimensions big, product produces a line to replace rate fast, profit margin is higher, grand still has very large space greatly.
Automobile industry is very high to the aptitude requirement of the supplier, cross a bound to arrive from home appliance car, grand deeply this was done a lot of technologies are accumulated and lay in. Included to establish car career department technically, introduced to be engaged in automobile industry from Shanghai 10 old professional groups. Plain Qi robot also is opposite strategic partner grand is deep-felt help strength into automobile industry many. “ resembles the day such as cropland of wide steam abundant fastening car plant to be able to appoint the robot that uses Japanese brand, and plain Qi criterion the Chinese market after service industry of a lot of automobiles gives we go doing. ” Chen Xin discloses.
Chenxin says frankly, at present homebred robot company should cut a car truckload link is more difficult, be in nevertheless engine, interior trim, the car component domain such as bumper can be broken through somewhat. Grand already accepted arrival greatly from cropland of wide steam abundant, Tianjin the order of the car look forward to such as Reynolds of cropland of one steam abundant, east wind.
“ stands in the ” on giant shoulder, make homebred robot brand
Industry is produced in Fosan robot, refer grand is deep, besides in system of white home appliance compositive domain precedes outside, have to carry its to be in the robot is homebred change the breakthrough that go up. Well-known is, the robot market of our country is long-term by forestall of foreign robot tycoon. And grand is deep try to enter give a new way, develop gram of admire of division of —— of robot of homebred and own brand.
Division admire overcomes a robot by Japanese robot tycoon plain Qi sticks a card to produce the core component such as robot noumenon and decelerate machine and servo electric machinery for its, dongguan solid tall automation provides the technical support of robot motion controller, integrated grand is in greatly the system is compositive the advantage that go up.
Robot of “ plain Qi is ranked in global robot manufacturing industry the 5th, solid tall automation is in domain of domestic robot controller also is count as one of the best, our it may be said stands on the shoulder of giant, in the robot homebred on the way that change take a lot of roundabout way less. ” Chen Xin sighs with emotion. The advantage on profit from price and service, the robot greeted Kepeike to erupt greatly this year, sold many 500 at a draught, yuan Chao plans.
Internet of the 4th “ + ” exposition will in October 2018 24-27 day is held in Tan Zhou international exhibition center, current exhibit meeting with “ number tide, wisdom achieve interconnection ” to give priority to a problem, the “ Internet that precedes as China + ” technology achievement reveals fair of as professional as what trade trade, will reach through exhibiting the application of the meeting to set an example show an activity, key stimulative Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and hypostatic economy deepness are shirt-sleeve, transition of industry of convention of economy of the China that help strength upgrades.
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Enterprise of bibcock of white report robot plays cross a boundary, pull Reynolds of hand abundant cropland
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Milan exhibits Han Nuowei (Shanghai) branch of limited company Guangzhou
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Phone: 020-8626 6696*8011/8010
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Phone: 020-8626 6696*8005/8001/8003

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