How do screen inductance and blame screen electric induction distinguish?

How do screen inductance and blame screen electric induction distinguish?

[introduction] believe a lot of people to screen inductance and blame screen inductance it is easier and promiscuous. According to magnetism screen function different, produced what screen inductance and blame screen inductance differ two kinds this to make a way, have in screen inductance stick an inductance, also have labour word inductance, same blame screen inductance also is such.
How do screen inductance and blame screen electric induction distinguish?
How do we undertake distinguishing quickly to screen inductance and blame screen inductance then? What distinction is there between them? Will undertake telling about from 3 respects below.
Distinguish on the exterior
Screen inductance is exterior contain magnetism screen structure, can see the inductance of certain dispute screen of coil winding from the exterior so, screen inductance going up from the exterior is to cannot see coil winding.
But one exception needs to notice: Those who cannot see coil is not certain it is screen inductance, also be the labour word inductance that contains hot adjustable bushing likely.
Magnetic circuit distinguishs on compositive structure
Structure of magnetic circuit of 1. screen inductance is shut magnetic circuit structure: Shutting magnetic circuit structure is by magnetism material is comprised, magnetism impedance is very small, it is annular magnetism core on behalf of magnetism core, it is to shut magnetic circuit structure.
2. is not structure of screen inductance magnetic circuit to be magnetic circuit structure: Because structure of magnetic circuit composition is bare, have very apparent air gap, its impedance is relative big, it is U on behalf of magnetism core model, EE magnetism core.
Distinguish on function
1. because screen inductance and structure of screen of magnetism of blame screen inductance are different, below identical inductance and working electric current, the bulk of screen inductance should be more than blame screen inductance.
Inductance of 2. blame screen has the characteristic of rate of tall full magnetism, minor volume, low impedance. Main concentration sticks an inductance GCD set in plug-in unit inductance, part (fast be replaced by screen inductance) , good look inductance.
3. screen inductance has the characteristic of high-power, low resistance, big electric current. Basically use in the circuit that having high demand to EMC, involve signal to transmit, intelligent computation is waited a moment, for example mobile phone, computer, high quality acoustics is waited a moment.

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