IEduChina2019 international school is exhibited and Shenzhen of warmth of international education forum
On December 16, 2018, teach a net by IEduChina China International strong made “IEduChina2019 international school is exhibited and ” of international education forum is in Shenzhen big public house of lira of sweet division of blessing cropland division is held grandly. Regard the end of the year as height of last choose school, this second activity content is rich, the hotspot is great. Sponsor just provided all-around service experience for the parent and student: Not only recruit students of spring of 2019 international school is exhibited, still the international that by school of many famous international big Ga comprises teachs enter a school of school of forum, international test, expert is man-to-man seek advice etc. Forum scene is full, wonderful confused shows the activity, enter a winter gradually in Shenzhen on the weekend, to all displaying in the family of choose school went up the choose school regale with a full results!
Choice school should consider a lot of factors, for the child the choice suits his international school, need parents more ” of “ both brave and resourceful, for the child the dot removes a bright lamp. Compared with be without ground of main threads of an affair to ask everywhere, need to visit choose school to exhibit the spot more, listen to the opinion of professional personage and proposal. Because school of choose of this international school is exhibited,be the opportunity of a special club.
What did mobile spot share? Have what wonderful moment again, let us return the spot to look together!
▲ although the morning cold wind of Shenzhen is biting, but the choose officer that still cannot stop parents is enthusiastic, control 8:30 a.m. , the parent has come round in succession sign in enters, have many families even the family dispatchs. Parents are taught to the child and the attention of choose school and fine suffering use a heart, make a person touch indeed.
IEduChina China International teachs net assistant inspector general Ms. Shen Huiling to deliver a speech, greeting everybody teachs the arrival of teacher of recruit students of school of big Ga, international, parent and students. International school is increasing now, help broad parent development understand the international of school of each country border and different system to teach, choose more appropriate international school for the child, already extremely urgent. Accordingly, international education net can be in every year each activity that big city organizes different type, include education of forum of large education summit, international to exhibit, international school recruit students day of school of explore of school of direct seeding of activity of school of meeting, international, international. The school exhibits IEduChina 2019 international and international education forum is to solve the choose school of broad parent friend to baffle, help parent and student make the integral program that good international teachs.
Big Ga assembles in educational regale, ignite international to teach forward position forum
Sponsor just invited big Ga of president of many Shenzhen name officer, senior education, around “ internationalization education, from here sailing ” this one theme, with respect to international school new condition, new opportunity spreads out development to discuss. Sino-British Gong Xuejian school of De Anda of Nuo of city of Ding Hui of principal of bridge international school, Fosan is pedagogic inspect Mr. Willem Van Der Sluis, medium fizzle out (the world) Liu Chaowu of president of campus of international of school of Chenghan of experiment of Zhu Yuan of dean of academy of classical learning, Shenzhen, dispatch must amount to chief inspector of learning of international academy of classical learning of rich of city of Xu Yuan, Shenzhen teachs DSE Hong Kong Liang Rui of class total president. Country of Wen Pei of principal of flower beauty school visits natural resources of city of Hamza, Shenzhen the spot, brought the special subject lecture of having sth new for everybody.
▲ international teachs forum spot, renown division big Ga shares educational result
Bridge international school President Ding Hui expresses Sino-British Gong Xuejian, the choice of the school is two-way. As the school, should pay attention to demand of characteristic of child ability, individual, parent, concept, expectation to be worth; And the parent and student should pay close attention to school concept, course, education to experience kimono Wu these a few respects. Match degree tall, it is the most appropriate. President Ding Hui warns broad parent, should rational when choose school choice. Bring a hole to see deep, start decides height.
Education is a hope, set sail to leave generation, also be the task that parent lifetime learns. How does heart of Fosan city Nuo amount to the school to teach warden Mr. Willem Van Der Sluis mentioned Nuodeanda to teach annals of encourage of group “ Anda, the annals education in Gao Yuan ” concept. How does heart of Fosan city Nuo amount to the school to be a center with the student, through Chinese and Western of be in harmony educational marrow, rich is collected numerous long bilingual education, the knowledge of lifelong learner —— that develops annals to put Gao Yuan is broad and profound, rich the Chinese citizen of the sense of responsibility and moral consciousness, new generation that knows care and global cacique.
Dean Zhu Yuan summed up in 6 when high school of GIA of yellow academy of classical learning breaths out Buddha class managerial guiding principle: A purpose, revitalize China; Two assure basically, assure basically of student fitness and thought moral character; Word of 3 “ fair ” , just, fair, open; 4 “ severe ” is taught, strict requirement, rigorous training, rigorous style of study and solemn scientific mood; Platform of superintendency platform of quality of education of 5 big platform, activity of student mass organizations, logistics safeguard platform, publicize platform of guidance of connection platform, enter a higher school external; 6 words guiding principle, for civilian, deal with concrete matters relating to work, innovation.
How to choose to suit international school of the child, it is the one big difficult problem that puzzles the parent forever. Liu of campus of international of school of Shenzhen experiment Chenghan President Chao Wu expresses the parent and student to should pay attention to 6 crucial factors when choose school: Aptitude, concept, course, persons qualified to teach, hardware and achievement. International is taught cannot “ overall westernizes ” , two respects have the Yo person concept that should seek school of sue for peace from domestic education consideration. He thinks concept of advanced school Yo person should be system, science, before of look up and match well of Chinese and Western.
Dispatch must amount to chief inspector of learning of international academy of classical learning to make Ms. Yuan criterion to everybody is earnest introduced academy of classical learning this year head the ” cane officer that elect protects an autograph to plan " : According to the student’s enter a school the test protects autograph United States respectively school of Chinese ivy name, before 30, before 50 school; If fail to be protected to sign an university to admit, can reread a year freely, apply for afresh; If still fail the 2nd year to be protected to sign an university to admit, can apply for sum to remove fee. Alleged highland builds a summit, resource of task of research of independence of the curricular plan that those who point to is tall challenge sex, individuation, domestic and international top class learning.
How should the parent and student choose an international school that suits his? School Director Zhou Dongkai adds to think in the hill austral Shenzhen: Right choice did not come to achievement child happiness. The arrogant person grade that he introduced to add 17 years to obtain to the middle of everybody introduction to everybody. The school is added to have top-ranking international persons qualified to teach in, top-ranking school manages; Teach students in accordance of their aptitude, prepotent earth up especially, essence of the bottom class in a kindergarten refines management, build for the student litre read platform of world name school. The school is added to devote oneself to to offer rich internationalization element for the student in, fruitful quality is taught, execute a variety of rich course, spirit of consciousness of ability of the international understanding that develops a student, leadership, environmental protection, democratic consciousness, adventure and the consciousness that serve another person.
Why should take an examination of diploma of Hong Kong middle school to try? of Shenzhen city rich teachs total president of class of DSE Hong Kong professor of Liang Rui radical gave out the answer: Diploma of Hong Kong middle school tries not only of the whole world admit suffer a gender tall, conform the famous university of the whole world, include complete China and Taiwan area. Can consult each other with the achievement of British GCE A Level at the same time, partial England universities and colleges can be pressed contrast mark, consideration diploma tries application of graduate enter a school. Those who carry channel of DSE of Hong Kong the university entrance exam admit leading is 6:1, this shows, the college that attends Hong Kong of pass an entrance examination of exam of enter a higher school of Hong Kong DSE is current the optimal the easiest way of school of name of Hong Kong of pass an entrance examination. 2018 Hong Kong 8 admit rate hopeful to break through greatly 25% , there will be a student that is world-renowned university in 4 students!
Mr of official of recruit students of high school of cloud top international. Hamza cited the understanding that a word of educationist Williams · Mr Xie Zhi will come to convey pair of education: Education is not flood a pail of water, and ignite a fire. He thinks education is not simple cram, ignite the scintilla of student thinking however. Two among them keys are nodded is Spark Inspiration&Ignite Learning—— inspires inspiration, ignite study passion.
Shenzhen mine country of Wen Pei of flower beauty school the president introduced the teachers with excellent school and education for everybody. School office of mine flower aesthetic learns 16 years, have an outstanding, stability and the government of China and foreign countries that have experience and education group. Flower beauty school devotes oneself to Shenzhen mine “ makes ordinary pupil more outstanding, outstanding student is more crackajack ” , pay attention to the moral character that trains a student, development eye shot at the same time, offer the activity such as all sorts of community services, summer camp for the student, invite well-known public figure to arrive school speech, let a student care society, country and world more. He says: “ plants a seedling today, will return your pillar tomorrow; Scatter a seed now, receive full Shan Cangcui in the future! I visit the school so, the country that also visits us so. ”
Assemble of each big international school, choose school exhibition hall is lively and extraordinary
Besides a series of splendid speeches, shenzhen is numerous international school principal and group of school recruit students also gather together exhibition hall, the spot communicates face-to-face with student and parent. This activity, school of Shenzhen experiment Chenghan, Shenzhen (south hill) medium add source of peach of city of the school, Shenzhen ministry of high school of international of school of cloud top of city of school of accept of rich of city of school of experiment of bay of be placed in the middle, Shenzhen, Shenzhen, dispatch must amount to county of tangerine of university of international academy of classical learning, Shenzhen, make the parent one-time understand Shenzhen numerous international school, side child singles out the international school that suits most.
More than 20 Shenzhen are famous international school or fair education official of recruit students of school international ministry is present, solve student and parent seek advice, issue policy of newest 2019 recruit students, the study that coachs how the student gets used to class of international school, international better lives.
▲ is man-to-man seek advice, communicate face-to-face, know newest recruit students policy, hot advisory occasion, exhibit this can push to climax.
IEDuKids international courseThe forerunner that course of central —— international teachs and navigate person
Be subordinate to of center of IEduKids international course belongs to IEduChina China International to teach a net, the forerunner that is education of domestic international course and navigate person, center of IEuKids international course organizes curricular outline to be a framework with IB international diploma, content of teacher and student of school of referenced world top class international, roll out most agree with the international course that Chinese K12 child learns, devote oneself to international the fairness of K12 education natural resources of foremost edge is changed, let more the international education natural resources of diversity walks into family of two hundred and seventy-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two China. Many 600 university of we and world, domestic and international many 800 international school establishs close cooperative relationship, for 3-18 year old the student offers international school choose school and for reference, international course joins to coach with extracurricular, application of school of academic ability promotion, name, abroad swim learn to wait for one-stop international to teach service of enter a higher school.
Center of course of ▲ IEduKids international seeks advice from the spot
Division of program of senior school work is man-to-man, quantity body is custom-built program of enter a school
Exhibit meeting site, division of program of senior school work is net of China International education parents offer choose school guidance freely to serve, examine the recruit students case of each schools integratedly, answer for the parent doubt dispels doubts, for the child the quantity makes choose school plan personally. Parents besides ascertain popular international school is newest besides the comprehensive strength of recruit students information and school, still can undertake signing up in the spot, make an appointment look around admire the school in the heart to open day, get channel of enter a school ahead of schedule.
International school enter a school is evaluated, academic ability shifts to an earlier date witting
Exhibit this can return ad hoc committee international school enter a school evaluates an area, the parent of the school that it is choose and student provide system of the test on the line with current international, the course ability that makes international level contrast for the student reports. Evaluation project includes to read evaluate a result with maths, can do with the student of class of of the same age of complete United States transverse quite, have authenticity, authority.
According to sponsorring square introduction, should report OK and epistolary form sends a student the parent, use at signalling the SR result that the parent should give birth to, and report lower part still designed autograph column and opinion column, convenient teacher, parent signs and add last person opinions, in reporting at the same time, also can be opposite GE (standard of school year equivalence) , PR (percentage grade) , IRL (study guidance reads level) , ZPD (recommend read limits) wait for term to try to show an explanation.
Inside area of evaluation of ▲ enter a school, the student is checking a result with expert communication
Ginseng exhibitWelfare is much, school of international school chooseDataFreeGet
It is reported, all ginseng exhibited an audience to be gotten freely " white paper of school of choose of Shenzhen international school " & " white paper of school of choose of school of Hong Kong international " , examination questions of face of enter a school of school of data of popular international school, international, elegant think of true subject collect, TOEFL to inscribe collect to wait really rich.
" white paper of school of choose of Shenzhen international school " & " white paper of school of choose of school of Hong Kong international " be by IEduChina major editor group and international teach expert of domain forward position to be engineered jointly, cost 3 months to be made up meticulously write, assemble Shenzhen is all tip of international school, Hong Kong is private international school (cover ministry of international of middle and primary school of international nursery school, international, public school to wait) the relevant content such as recruit students, course, newest policy, still have rich choose school guide at the same time, aim to make the officer of international school choose inside course of study manual.
▲ comes round to join mobile student and parent, after sign in manages register one’s attendance at a meeting or at an office, get with respect to data of white paper of ” of “ fight in some places one by one immediately was in, welcome degree sees one spot!
This activity, the accord that got joining exhibiting the expert inside the school, course of study and parent reputably. Joined Ms. Sun that exhibit and daughter to get data of full school of international school choose to wrap, ms. Sun agitato says: “ is exhibited this can do very well, the spot that can hear an officer president not only makes a speech, seek advice from the school that understands my daughter satisfaction, and we still did test of enter a school in the spot, gains is very big, this time of value. ”
Real timeGraph article direct seeding, be in the home to also can masterCongress trends
IEduChina China International teachs a net to be able to undertake to be being exhibited this whole journey reports, the wonderful and interactive what is actually happening of congress of real time direct seeding! Do not have the parent students of the spot, still can carry graph article and video living broadcast, close quarters experiences the spectacular event that education postpones!
Click: Shenzhen international education exhibits passageway of direct seeding reviewing
IEduChina2019 international school is exhibited and international education forum has fallen next heavy curtain, also drew near 2018 end, and coming 2019, will greet new round choose school height, spring join a class in the middle of the course, autumn enter a school. . . . . .
To parents, be child choose school is level sex, but choose route of which attend school for the child, far-reaching and long, must not weigh carelessly so. IEduChina China International teachs the portal platform that the net teachs as China International, it is a target in order to serve the international education demand of the parent and student, offer international school to choose school, enter a school directive, study abroad program, course grooms etc a series of China International teachs a service. School of of all kinds lecture, explore, recruit students is held every year to exhibit in countrywide each district, the activity such as president forum, with cogent solve parents choose school puzzle, help child realizes a dream, net of education of IEduChina China International is becoming the platform of the parent, student and international school communication increasingly.