Component of suddenly Er sensor uses a dominant position mediumly in home appliance equipment

Component of suddenly Er sensor uses a dominant position mediumly in home appliance equipment

[introduction] to be in market of current intelligence home appliance retains competition ability, design personnel must make full use of the technology of avery kind of that they can use, include to be not contact sensor. These sensor can improve the function that home appliance designs and outward appearance, the satisfaction that adds customer thereby is spent. Compare with mechanical technology photograph, sensor of use blame contact has as energy-saving as use microprocessor effect not only, and enhanced dependability and lower maintenance cost. And below, we want saying suddenly Er sensor, it is so sensor of contact of a kind of blame.
Component of suddenly Er sensor uses a dominant position mediumly in home appliance equipment
Suddenly Er sensor is the sensor that is based on semiconductor technology, the principle is answer the change of magnetic field and change inductive voltage. This kind of sensor spreads suddenly Er effect feeling component to be united in wedlock in circuit, with offerring a correspondence magnetic field changes and digital switch of the induction or imitate output signal, and need not any athletic components.
Unlike traditional magnetism reed switch, component of suddenly Er sensor contains source circuit, because this needs from beginning to end a few electric current. For example the application of suddenly Er sensor in sensor of washing machine rotate speed very general.
The rotate speed of washing machine platen is by join comes the multistage magnet of electromotor axis (16 or 32 extremely) of monitoring. This magnet rotates on the suddenly Er sensor that has excellent career to measure a function. Signal of this number rate is sent to come control is unit, control unit interiorly to controlling electric machinery rate in order to obtain all sorts of rotate speed cycle.
Component of suddenly Er sensor uses a dominant position mediumly in home appliance equipment
Suddenly Er sensor does not suffer the effect that mechanical contact mechanical wear or oxidation accumulate, have stronger dependability and wear consequently; The output signal option of suddenly Er sensor, include positional response signal and linear or rotate rate measurement of the induction exports a worth, these signal can offer instantaneous to answer, ensure stricter control and better resolution are spent thereby, bring buildup inductive definition.
Component of suddenly Er sensor uses a dominant position mediumly in home appliance equipment
In addition, for the application that designs strict to the requirement tolerance to home appliance, suddenly Er sensor can have bigger flexibility, this bit is very important. Finally, differ with the rigid parts of an apparatus that has visible lever or button, suddenly Er sensor often is concealed at the back of of electric equipment face plate, can produce more vogue, charming design thereby, more get most client love.

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