Cruel curtilage science and technology invests dimension intelligence, solve IoT industry bottleneck and layout margin calculation
[introduction] cruel curtilage science and technology invested a way last year by implement “ of company of research and development opens dimension intelligence ” , hope from the road by implement the join experience that this data center optimizes WiFi product. Cruel curtilage science and technology still can open dimension intelligence to come hand in hand domain of layout margin calculation: A lot of simple control are handled logically can give completely road by implement undertake operation is mixed carry out, at present majority enterprise puts control processing to long-range server, facilitating management.
In last few years, below the drive that increases category of product experience, equipment to abound ” ceaselessly in “AI technology, more and more average consumer are willing to try experience and product of use intelligence household. Release according to IDC ” quarter of market of equipment of household of IDC China intelligence dogs report ” show, volume of shipment of market of Chinese intelligence household was achieved 2018 1. 500 million, grow 35 compared to the same period. 9 % . From easy small couplet the IoT chip business last year looks, this business also came true to reverse times growth, among them WiFi model group still is holding larger proportion.
The mainstream that WiFi regards intelligence as household industry is wireless data transmits means, the overall shipment of relevant intelligent artifacts estimates rapid all the time growth, cover the field such as electrical engineering, illume, home appliance. Intelligent hardware tide is firm arisen when, most product is to be based on WiFi agreement, the couplet net means that basically is it connects WiFi essentially similar with the mobile phone, the user does not need overmuch how-to with respect to can quick start and experience. From the point of the user data of tiring-room of easy small couplet, in two years of in the past, 16. The IoT facilities number of the domestic user of 8 % has exceeded 10, calculate again on the word of the equipment of large couplet network such as the mobile phone in the home, flat, TV, the road in the home by implement join number estimation is in 20 above. On the congress of Internet of the 5th world last year, millet author Lei Jun states number of facilities of connective of place of “AI times IoT wants bigger than mobile Internet dimensions decuple above publicly. ” is integrated in light of afore-mentioned circumstances, existing family expenses road by implement the bottleneck that can become intelligence to live in an industry sooner or later, even “ can’ts bear important task ” .
Why so say? Present family expenses road by implement be aimed at IoT industry technically and do not design, its join the respect such as resource allocation of intercurrent number, broadband still uses vintage design concept, main purpose is the WiFi that solves mobile phone, flat online problem. Come a few this years, millet, 360, China the road that optimizes oneself in the light of IoT domain to although have,wait for a company by implement, main form still is passed compatible plug-in unit of tripartite platform drops other trademark device receive introductory cage, and road by implement the traditional issue such as intensity of the main attack direction of the product or join rate, signal, to ” of number of “ equipment join this potential hidden danger did not give overmuch attention. because of whole region by implement the industry ignores this issue optionally, the plan of net of group of intelligent relay Mesh that is similar to Eero place to offer begins to be agreed with by consumer (Eero is in the beginning of the year when already was bought by Yamaxun) . Now, google, millet, China for the product that the company also is in these tycoons to roll out likeness quickly, the signal with be offerred better thereby is enclothed, decrease advocate road by implement connection negative charge.

Live in the “ connector ” of the industry as intelligence, easy small couplet wants a traditional production business and AI tycoon join to arrive one case, implement the concept of “Works With Everything” . To optimize the couplet net of EWeLink Support product better online problem, cruel curtilage science and technology invested a way last year by implement “ of company of research and development opens dimension intelligence ” , hope from the road by implement the join experience that this data center optimizes WiFi product.
This company dedicated Yu Lu by implement development, have in IoT domain optimize originally experience and accumulate. Pass pair of chip and firmware optimize, they raised family expenses way substantially by implement equipment join amount. Now cruel curtilage science and technology established associated laboratory technically with intelligence opening dimension, the IoT equipment that optimizes an EWeLink Support through rock-bottom technology joins number promotes 100 the left and right sides. In the light of family expenses road by implement the network uses a case, these roads by implement still can withhold exclusive bandwidth to EWeLink Support product, even if other member undertakes the file downloads to perhaps watch online video in the home, also can make sure intelligent equipment is stable and online.
Additional, cruel curtilage science and technology has been in road by implement “eWeLink came true to bolt on test prototype function of ” matching a net: Enter in EWeLink Support equipment after matching pattern quickly, the user can click a way by implement coping implementation bolts automatic group net, whole process need not of App of easy small couplet intervene, drop device substantially the first time the doorsill that matchs a net.
Be aimed at overseas market, the way that opens dimension intelligence to also contain Zigbee module in research and development by implement, the user outside can not supply of great capacity of easy small couplet chooses. These year come, development of market of overseas of product of Zigbee intelligence household is very rapid, no matter be a product,experience or category have very substantially promotion. The brand outside adding Shanghai more apt uses standard agreement, different fixture is light mutual get through and linkage, for Yamaxun Echo and Google Home created the opportunity that replaces Zigbee gateway. Begin from last year, in succession the manufacturer finds cruel curtilage science and technology makes compatible Yamaxun the standard Zigbee fittings of Echo and Google Home, abandoned directly long-term of the “ gateway since contend for ” . This kind of form to be based on the standard agreement, means that contains Zigbee chip by implement for the product, also be very good good chance, because this “ opens dimension intelligence ” ,do not want to miss this opportunity. When the means that contains Zigbee chip by implement after appearing on the market, the equipment that is based on plan of Zigbee of easy small couplet can apace receives a grade repeatedly by implement on, whole experiences it is better to will compare the product that is based on WiFi agreement.
Besides, cruel curtilage science and technology still can open dimension intelligence to come hand in hand domain of layout margin calculation: A lot of simple control are handled logically can give completely road by implement undertake operation is mixed carry out, at present majority enterprise puts control processing to long-range server, facilitating management. Future opens dimension intelligence way by implement the administrative system that the buy inside the metropolis opens, the enterprise can use this system to handle operation to undertake new program and deploy to the control of equipment, this locality that strengthens equipment turns control. And person face identifies, the identifying of the AI technology such as pattern recognition operation also is met progressively transfer to a lower level arrives road by implement, help enterprise reduces cloud deploy cost. To moment, road by implement also not be a simple data gateway again, however an intelligent assistant that can begin to handle life issue.