Is ultrasonic technology measured in intelligent flow what application is there in the quantity?

Is ultrasonic technology measured in intelligent flow what application is there in the quantity?

[introduction] improve as a result of the technology of ultrasonic transducer, make them cheaper, more accurate, size is smaller, and everywhere can be bought, wide application received in because this ultrasonic technology is flowing,measuring a volume. Advanced compositive imitate circuitry makes the real time of ultrasonic transducer weaveform captures and be handled more easy, can obtain accurate TOF information thereby.
Because the technology of ultrasonic transducer is improved, make them cheaper, more accurate, size is smaller, and everywhere can be bought, wide application received in because this ultrasonic technology is flowing,measuring a volume. Advanced compositive imitate circuitry makes the real time of ultrasonic transducer weaveform captures and be handled more easy, can obtain accurate TOF information thereby. In addition, ultrasonic flowmeter is more accurate, size is smaller, and without any mobile components, make its become manufacturer to change the superexcellent choice of mechanical flowmeter. However, manufacturer still should know conduit design and transducer installation fixed position carefully, get in order to ensure all advantages of ultrasonic technology are measured in discharge making full use of in the quantity.
On industrial market, semiconductor chip set is producing tremendous effect in the mechanical equipment change to Electromechanical or pure electron equipment. Every fractionize market is dissoluble for a lot of application, chip manufacturer can apply in the light of every and design specific product.
Any technical progress that use a field include a few minor progress normally, these technical progress or are successive, or is coinstantaneous. For example, normally need feeling measures the automation that uses a program one or more parameter, undertake handling next, will bring about finally control and / or communication. The sensor with advanced technology can raise norms of a few parameter, for example higher performance, smaller size, lower power comsumption and cost, and taller whole runs efficiency. In processing, control type and the similar technique that correspond with the outside are improved will raise these parameter norms further.
Mix to make electrified wire netting more efficient, solidder safer, get used to modern demand, the effort of this respect will make electronic equipment makes increase of dosage considerably, it is innovation thereby, increase a function, and reduced dimension and cost to create an opportunity. Energy-saving motion asks will traditional electrified wire netting and distributed electrified wire netting are shirt-sleeve, form interconnection electrified wire netting. Intelligent appearance is the part with electric power and energy very indispensable field, the global semiconductor value of domain of this one fractionize exceeds 2 billion dollar every year. Farther cent is intelligent appearance ammeter, water meter, watch burning gas and heating appearance.
Ultrasonic or supersonic technology already were used in a few civil, medical treatment and martial domain 100 old. Almost everybody uses technology of medical treatment ultrasonic in the metropolis in be born firstly. However, its closest application case is in industry and car the domain implemented automation. We see this technology surprisingly had held position in the application of a series of true diversification. Of ultrasonic technology without achieve (without caustic) the good choice that makes with blame contact character its make medical treatment, pharmacy, military affairs and factory application.
In industry and car market, can discover ultrasonic technology is used at the distance to measure, take up detect, the level detects, composition analysis, velocity of flow is measured, jockey auxiliary, land assist and mothball box open is auxiliary etc. Ultrasonic sensor also calls ultrasonic transducer, can be besides human unheard frequency the job, its job frequency arrives in 20 kilohertz between a few hertz.
Most supersonic transducer uses the material that suppress report to make, should bring to bear on when electric pulse, produce mechanical vibration or ultrasonic. A few transducer still can change mechanical vibration an electric energy. Transducer divides roughly for 3 kinds of types:
• transmitter is telegraphic date changeover ultrasonic.
• receiver changes ultrasonic the signal that it is report.
• is sent and receive implement can be sent and receive ultrasonic.
The treatment after the telegraphic order that the butt joint receives undertakes is handled, can get suitable a certain number of relevant heft of industry or car application. Among them the commonnest a heft with be mixed the most important is ultrasonic flight time (TOF) , it is to show ultrasonic launchs target object from sensor, reflex the estimation of time going there and back that answers sensor from the object again next. This is the fundamental that uses ultrasonic technology in intelligent appearance, with will measure with water, gas or heating (no matter be to invade type or blame to invade type) discharge, present consumptive data consumer in order to go to the lavatory plan cost.
Discharge measures be pair of liquids or aeriform discharge to quantify (bulk or speed) , measure an unit to be similar to litre / minute (or second or hour) or square metre / second. The range of flowmeter is wider, the simple and public appearance that uses from the family (gas / water / heating) , to harmful liquid or gas (oil, mining, useless water treatment, paint and chemical) industrial appearance or blender.
On the structure, flowmeter includes sensor unit, measure unit and control / communication is unit, these each unit can be divided further again for machinery or electron. Graph the 1 flowmeter that compared the different type that forms sensor unit passes feeling technology. The flowmeter of ultrasonic type has many advantages.
Is ultrasonic technology measured in intelligent flow what application is there in the quantity?
Graph 1: Liquid or aeriform discharge pass the comparison of feeling method
The time of the supersonic signal that use TOF or receives is wrong (transmission defer) will measure flow. Measure a volume to apply its at flowing, design personnel uses a pair to be sent and receive identically implement model transducer, go up in upper reaches and downstream direction respectively incentive they. When travelling along the direction that agrees with fluid flow, ultrasonic travels more quickly, and go up in as opposite as fluid flow way, ultrasonic travels slower. Accordingly, need at least one pair of transducer, but some develop attack the structure uses more transducer.
Graph 2 show gave ultrasonic to detect the typical concept of discharge, optional choose transducer sets the position mediumly in conduit.
The choice of ultrasonic sensor depends on the medium type that need velocity of flow measures. Normally, the liquid passes feeling use spectrum in relatively high-frequency sensor (>1 MHz) , and low end of aeriform medium use spectrum (<500 KHz) sensor. In addition, ask to want to have a direct way between two any transducer with the ultrasonic technology that measures at discharge, this need undertakes to accommodating the fluid conduit of transducer careful mechanical construction is designed. Ultrasonic technology is not effective below alveolate circumstance, showing attenuation because of what bleb may bring about supersonic signal.
Is ultrasonic technology measured in intelligent flow what application is there in the quantity?
Graph 2: The common develop that the ultrasonic of flowmeter expresses position of the installation inside feeling and conduit attacks structural give typical examples
Graph 3 show gave a kind of general conduit design, transducer is placed in bottom, have reflection stuff in order to ensure ultrasonic signal can be in transducer (the XDCR1 in the graph and XDCR2) between transmission.
Is ultrasonic technology measured in intelligent flow what application is there in the quantity?
Graph 3: Installation has the current flow of a pair of transducer to be in charge of
Is ultrasonic technology measured in intelligent flow what application is there in the quantity?
Among them Δt is TOF, c is the speed of the ultrasonic signal that transmits in the medium inside conduit, v is velocity of flow, l is the transmission length of conduit, t12 is transmission time of upper reaches, t21 is downstream transmission time.
A few kinds of methods can define TOF information, but the output that all methods need to be able to handle transducer. Graph 4 showed a kind of model is outputted.
Is ultrasonic technology measured in intelligent flow what application is there in the quantity?
Graph 4: Supersonic transducer is answered by the model when report is incentive
Offerred the equation that seek solution to the processing of this one weaveform the 1 information that wants with 2. A few kinds of methods can handle weaveform, include time among them – the number is changed (TDC) , over- 0 detect and weaveform captures etc. Every kinds of method has advantages and disadvantages each.
Chip supplier uses all sorts of frameworks to solve ultrasonic discharge to measure an issue. Some manufacturers use schism imitate cell, digital processor follows from the back. Other firm tries imitate component compositive in digital processor in order to form odd chip plan. Capture in weaveform in the method, use fast imitate circuit to capture whole and supersonic signal, reuse modulus converter changes imitate signal signal of amount to word, next algorithm of digital signal processing can obtain TOF information.
Chip supplier uses all sorts of frameworks to solve ultrasonic discharge to measure an issue. Some manufacturers use schism imitate cell, digital processor follows from the back. Other firm tries imitate component compositive in digital processor in order to form odd chip plan. Capture in weaveform in the method, use fast imitate circuit to capture whole and supersonic signal, reuse modulus converter changes imitate signal signal of amount to word, next algorithm of digital signal processing can obtain TOF information.
Because the technology of ultrasonic transducer is improved, make them cheaper, more accurate, size is smaller, and everywhere is visible, wide application received in because this ultrasonic technology is flowing,measuring a volume. Advanced compositive imitate circuitry makes the real time of ultrasonic transducer weaveform captures and be handled more easy, can obtain accurate TOF information thereby. In addition, ultrasonic flowmeter is more accurate, size is smaller, and without any mobile components, make its become manufacturer to change the superexcellent choice of mechanical flowmeter. However, manufacturer still should know conduit design and transducer installation fixed position carefully, get in order to ensure all advantages of ultrasonic technology are measured in discharge making full use of in the quantity.

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