Without dread temperature and humidity of harsh environment TE is measured accurate from beginning to end without by accident
[introduction] the rapid progress as science and technology, in the daily life that intelligent household has pervaded us slowly, the happy life that gives us was offerred taller comfortable sex and convenient quality. And in the application that lives in in intelligence, sensor of temperature and humidity is its crucial one annulus. It can detect in real time the temperature and humidity in air, alternate by definite pattern telegraphic date or other place want a form, undertake information is outputted. Application of sensor of temperature and humidity is very wide, can say, content of the vapor in always needing amiable to temperature change system has the place of monitoring, need sensor of temperature and humidity.
In intelligent household application, sensor of temperature and humidity can monitor situation of indoor environment temperature and humidity in real time, advocate accuse a system to be able to undertake according to the data of sensor of temperature and humidity intelligence is controlled, linkage is other intelligent artifacts. Become for instance when exorbitant or indoor temperature is too low, but switch of intelligent control air conditioning will adjust temperature; Be like indoor when drier or humidity is very heavy, but switch of intelligent control humidifier will adjust indoor humidity. And in intelligent home appliance, sensor of temperature and humidity still is used those who fall at providing the environment of the challenge extremely to measure application. For instance, sensor of temperature and humidity can be used at measuring the humidity of dishwasher and temperature. When spray rinsing of current of forked classics of tableware, eat, temperature and humidity are elevatory, this brought unique challenge, sensor must be in generate electric output signal while undergo humidity test. Our for instance commonly used oven, when cooking food, the beard inside oven is appeared with ensuring food is boiled completely of temperature sensor, this can withstand elevatory oven temperature with respect to need sensor and wiring.
These application make clear, only ability of first-rate system performance answers harsh environment and the expectation that satisfy terminal user. As the whole world join and pass feeling the leader of solution industry domain, TE Connectivity(TE) combines its engineering competence and experience of more than 20 years, offerred humidity and temperature combination sensor, although be below extreme change and slashing condition, still have banner noise to answer time, measure precision and durative can. The humidity sensor of TE still applies to the application of requirement severe exacting, include car, heavy-duty lorry, aerospace and home appliance. Can provide all sorts of output signal, word of exactly the amount (frequency, I²C) with imitate voltage and custom-built and have output signal only (include PWM, PDM, LIN and CAN) .

Graph 1: ? Lead however Zhui of mildew of τ of dispute Yong?
Speak of sensor of TE temperature and humidity, we must be carried have answer quickly, enclose dimension small, precision is as high as the HTU2x series sensor of ±2% . HTU2x used DFN to enclose, volume is minor, only 3*3*0.9mm; Numeric I²C interface, can repair Ee to change the resolution of digital sensor through the instruction. Use design of unique structure of in-house hamburger patent, make its still can assure outstanding precision consistency below tall wet environment, have good long-term stability, suit of all kinds applying.

Graph 2: Norms of HTU2x series parameter
Xing Xiaoyuan of manager of product of be good at company shows the agential ——Excelpoint world of TE: “ is in intelligent household, industry and medical treatment domain, world be good at the product that is based on TE has a lot of successful case. Alive be good at in the plan of water any meter for measuring electricity of own design, this series product received very good application, the outstanding and characteristic recognition of low to its power comsumption has a lot of clients add. Besides, the environment that TE product still is good at answering an extreme particularly (be like high temperature, high humidity) , it is below the circumstances that makes to product whole function and long cycle appliance has high demand, its stability reachs dependability constant, this character also got a lot of lives of be good at client reputably. ”
TE when us HTU2x of sensor of newest temperature and humidity and the other brand product that are the same as a type undertake parameter contrasts, discover not hard, no matter HTU2x answers in dimension, noise time or voltaic loss respect have larger dominant position. Compare with solution photograph of the competitor, can offer much better function and outstanding value. In fact, TE introduces in banner sensor technology number, wireless with combination solution respect is in lead position, these technologies conduce to make apply more intelligence is efficient. Next the article designs detailed introduction a few the biggest challenges that the engineer faces, and TE HTU2x humidity and temperature combination sensor used what design to answer these challenges.
One, no matter be fuggy, freezing, damp or dry, application needs to have identical systematic efficiency inside all humidity and temperature limits, ability acquires reliable property. This falls in any external ambient conditions with respect to requirement sensor, must offer optimum behavior. The design of sensor should have linear to answer with lowermost arrearage, come true to be measured accurately thereby. More sensitive to change application setting waits to fall in industry and electric home appliances<gj, linear is answered crucial. Warm opening air conditioning application is a very good example, no matter be burning hot summer or rainy wintry day, warm connect air conditioning system to be able to last temperature of adjusting control environment and humidity. This is about to seek the level of different humidity change in different season, warm the humidity sensor in opening air conditioning system all maintains linear to answer, let warm the system is opposite an air conditioning thereby this undertakes modulatory. And the linear of HTU2x answers a curve to be able to accomplish this.
2, certain application asks to use the design that can feel all environments to change and makes response quickly, in order to provide top class integral system performance. We take the balloon of weather of main tool —— that contemporary scene forecasts to cite a case. Well-known, do not understand high-level atmospheric circumstance to cannot forecast weather almost. Because have some of time,this is, although sea level is in relief light is beautiful, calm, but in 18, 000 feet (5, 486 meters) headroom, a miniature rainstorm system may cause breakneck weather situation very quickly. And will measure high-level atmospheric situation through sending the balloon that arranges in order to headroom, aerography home can monitor stormy form a circumstance, make effective early-warning in time thereby.
3, expose when extreme condition falls, systematic performance can be not affected. Low arrearage is a main function. Although be after severe condensation case, sensor still needs those who keep accurate to measure performance. For example, after humidity returns initiative dot, the dry cycle of electric home appliances<gj will stop automatically; When desiccate of component of interior of electric home appliances<gj, low arrearage will stop dry cycle in time, prevent damage of electric home appliances<gj. Warm for instance although be exposed for a long time,open air conditioning system in autumn and winter humidity extremely tall environment falls, still can provide likewise excellent performance in burning hot summer.
By right of answer quickly, HTU sensor can be accurate detect the relative humidity that gives different aerosphere. This conduces to forecast weather changes and prevent any hazardous conditions, pass through in its for example wrong message is sent when Yun Duo. We cite a case that concerns with application of electric home appliances<gj again. When the summer opens freezer door, hot air enters freezer, can bring about condensation and relative humidity to increase, cause wall frost or form aspic spot. When structure of TE humidity die can offer the noise with banner industry to answer – 2 seconds. Answer quickly make system can make real time react instantly in order to prevent this situation. In other words, can avoid to happen so freeze, shorten thereby defrost is periodic, improve energy efficiency.
4, at present, original equipment manufacturer uses intelligent solution (like sensor) to its the product undertakes innovating, but they need these solutions compositive in production process, and cannot produce inactive consequence. The HTU sensor support of TE undertakes inside the standardization bag in complete calibration compositive, still support in printed circuit board on compositive, without any ties.
TE Connectivity is certain, the technology is improved will conduce to the prospective pattern that portrays energy conservation, and its humidity and temperature combination sensor (HTU20/HTU21) will be offerred for this help strength. Believe, appropriate sensor solution aux will be able to optimizes your application greatly. Depend on experience of more than 20 years, the humidity that TE Connectivity offers and temperature combination sensor have banner noise to answer time, measure precision and durative can, even if metabolic environment of the extreme, also can answer leisurely.