Industry pioneer moorage is rush to deal with an emergency to provide disaster relief without plan of communication of man-machine headroom lash-up provide safeguard

Industry pioneer moorage is rush to deal with an emergency to provide disaster relief without plan of communication of man-machine headroom lash-up provide safeguard

[introduction] the mankind is in calamity of face counterpoise nature, accident, when breaking out communal and wholesome incident, lash-up communication safeguard is indispensable, have so a company, through will unmanned aircraft and small-sized communication base station photograph is united in wedlock, in spot environment the condition with abominable, complex landform falls, can use the shortest time, build a moorage to guarantee communication system without man-machine lash-up, continuously, offer network communication steadily to serve, for rush to deal with an emergency…

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DC – the trends of voltage of output of DC switch manostat adjusts: A small subtle move, help you come true!

DC – the trends of voltage of output of DC switch manostat adjusts: A small subtle move, help you come true!

[introduction] join the power source track of a taller voltage will slant the in-house circuit of buy linear manostat, make manostat can produce the low output tension of a 0.9V, this output voltage can bear 4A twinkling changes, change is very little. Generally speaking, DC-DC switch manostat is fixed voltage output. Have method to use a number to control signal, is the trends that realizes power source to output voltage adjusted? How does article introduction use converter of ADI appropriative…

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Hai Kangwei is inspected in Hubei, for ” the person that green report is guarded ” take grip

Hai Kangwei is inspected in Hubei, for ” the person that green report is guarded ” take grip

[introduction] the dimension of carry of power station of Qu Tangguang bend over of strong last year finish school member Guo Guangrui, deep-felt to carrying the change of dimension job is experienced, “When following to just came, compare, completely different ” . What cover an area of 2766 mus in this is large farming light is complementary power station of smooth hot season, component of about 400 thousand smooth hot season here ” exposed to the sun and unripe ”…

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Manostat of tall IOUT LDO has outstanding transient state to answer

Manostat of tall IOUT LDO has outstanding transient state to answer

[introduction]Join the power source track of a taller voltage will slant the in-house circuit of buy linear manostat, make manostat can produce the low output tension of a 0.9V, this output voltage can bear 4A twinkling changes, change is very little. Join the power source track of a taller voltage will slant the in-house circuit of buy linear manostat, make manostat can produce the low output tension of a 0.9V, this output voltage can bear 4A twinkling changes, change is…

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Help strength western high quality of electronic Information Industry develops, eleventh China (western) electronic information exposition is about to open act

Help strength western high quality of electronic Information Industry develops, eleventh China (western) electronic information exposition is about to open act

[introduction]2022, into change area circle of twin city economy realizes area total output value seven thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight billion seven hundred and ninety-nine million yuan, the proportion that takes the throughout the country is 6.4% , occupy western the proportion of the area is 30.2% ; Area total output value is compared go up year of growth 3.0% , keep balance with the whole nation, become China ” the 4th extremely ” , among them, as western the…

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The first of transistor 76 years: Decrescent, greatened however?

The first of transistor 76 years: Decrescent, greatened however?

[introduction]1947, when making the transistor that gave the first can regular job successfully with William Shockley when John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, their have not thinks of, transistor can make the mainest component of electronic product nowadays. Transistor is known as one of inventions with 20 the greatest centuries, it improved vacuum tube to be in the blemish of power comsumption and measure respect, the development that is electronic equipment laid a foundation, also brought convenient and efficient digitlization to live…

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Floating-point of semi-finish grinding of millimeter wave radar stores the format is analysed

Floating-point of semi-finish grinding of millimeter wave radar stores the format is analysed

[introduction] radar signal processing needs to use what a large number of memory have intermediate result and final result to save, and the cost that memory size affects processing chip directly. Choose proper data storage form, preserve higher signal resolution and dynamic scope already, do not take up too large storage space is quite important again. The article introduced TC3xx sheet piece the form of semi-finish grinding floating-point that plane radar signal treats unit SPU to support, rectify its and…

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The sense that ensures functional security carries a network to the car in new trend develops in the car

The sense that ensures functional security carries a network to the car in new trend develops in the car

[introduction] the function of contemporary car is increasing, new challenge also appears subsequently. Although functional security is in,car line of business is not a new task, but the elapse as time, it more and more be paid close attention to. Regard a design as the principle, the key of functional security depends on using an electron electric (E/E) when equipment, reduce its to bring the risk that person is harmed or human body health damages. Functional security principle devotes oneself…

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Artificial intelligence applies mediumly in 5G and 6G network

Artificial intelligence applies mediumly in 5G and 6G network

[introduction] artificial intelligence (AI) revolution has come. Wait to be released publicly of application as ChatGPT, people is able to use deepness nerve network and machine study (ML) force and latent capacity gain personal experience. ChatGPT is a linguistic model, this model used the huge text data that comes from Internet and book to undertake training, can make the text version of kind of presumable person compose. The used ideal system to reveal artificial intelligence dominant position of this kind…

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IBM data this locality changes plan, aid force to cross state-owend enterprise course of study to achieve the data security that carries end

IBM data this locality changes plan, aid force to cross state-owend enterprise course of study to achieve the data security that carries end

[introduction] in recent years, the swift and violent development that accompanying big data reachs the ChatGPT progress that makes type AI, the abidance that digitlizes a technology upgrades to bring a lot of advantage for us, also caused at the same time ” data flies all over the sky ” , aggravate of data safety hidden danger, incident frequency sends data security. The enterprise that cross a state changes development in Chinese this locality, building the data security system that…

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