Improve athletic efficiency, carbon of the industry that help strength decreases a platoon

Improve athletic efficiency, carbon of the industry that help strength decreases a platoon

[introduction] 2015 ” Parisian agreement ” calefacient limitation is in requirement general whole world 1.5 ℃ less than, this is meant, the beard before 2050 reduces current carbolic discharge capacity 80% above. The trend with current according to, the whole world will warm up 1.9 ℃ come 2.9 ℃ , this will bring about each country GDP to drop considerably, amount to the population become destitute and homeless of 33% , relevant calamity will cause the loss of several dollars…

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Use increase interrelate the canal of sheet of 1200 V SiC MOSFET that encloses a technology designs high-energy effect welder

Use increase interrelate the canal of sheet of 1200 V SiC MOSFET that encloses a technology designs high-energy effect welder

[introduction] in recent years, to come true better rich can be used continuously, need more and energy-saving product, accordingly, about solder function effect mandatory provide arise at the historic moment. Via improvement carborundum CoolSiC? MOSFET 1200 V uses the TO-247 that is based on technology of.XT diffusion welding to enclose, its blame convention is enclosed and hot design method rose through improved design can effect and power density. “Foreword “ In recent years, to come true better rich can be…

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Input what side / outputs side to electroanalysis capacitance computation

Input what side / outputs side to electroanalysis capacitance computation

[introduction] we are general according to in the input voltage falls, below the circumstance of output, the requirement electroanalysises the ripple voltage on capacitance is calculated under how many percent. Of course, if have the demand that holds time, need to ask according to what hold time so recount, in both, take big cost. Input side electroanalysis capacitance computationWe are general according to in the input voltage falls, below the circumstance of output, the requirement electroanalysises the ripple voltage on…

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N of batteries of high accuracy 60V monitors a system to be made so!

N of batteries of high accuracy 60V monitors a system to be made so!

[introduction] monitor around batteries n, the article introduces ADI LTC2944 to follow coulomb meter plan high to 60V essence for everybody by the engineer Boris Wang of science and technology of dragon of ADI agential fine horse, aid force to make high-powered batteries monitor a system, the popularizes gender, accurate n to monitor value that covers batteries equipment and n measure the principle of the quantity, and principle of the internal composition to LTC2944, job and specific coulomb meter plan…

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How to use module of 1200 V EliteSiC MOSFET, make charge does faster car carry charger?

How to use module of 1200 V EliteSiC MOSFET, make charge does faster car carry charger?

[introduction] want to be able to be the batteries with electric older car efficiently to charge quickly, electric car ability gains ground in the market and develop. 2021, the average batteries capacity of before the rank on the market 12 electric car is 80 KW-hr. The car that consumer basically uses car in the home carries charger (OBC) undertakes charging. To ensure reasonable car charges time, OEM still increases the power size of OBC 11 KW from 6.6 KW, be…

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Is IGBT module how of invalidation?

Is IGBT module how of invalidation?

[introduction] IGBT module basically is formed by a certain number of IGBT chip that mix couplet, electric join comes true through aluminous lead between chip. Standard IGBT is enclosed in, individual IGBT still is met and have diode of follow on current, be in then fill of chip upper part with many silicon gel, enclose with plastic carapace. 1, IGBT module structureIGBT module basically is formed by a certain number of IGBT chip that mix couplet, electric join comes true…

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BLDC electric machinery controls one article to help you had been summed up

BLDC electric machinery controls one article to help you had been summed up

[introduction] without brush electric machinery to belong to change flow pattern oneself (ego direction is changed) , because this is controlled,rise more complex. The rotor position that control of BLDC electric machinery asks to understand electric machinery to undertake rectification changes direction and mechanism. To control of closed circuit speed, have two additional demands, namely to rotor speed / or electric machinery electric current and PWM signal undertake metrical, in order to control electric machinery speed and power. BLDC electric…

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Aether net APL: Use feasible opinion help to optimize process automation

Aether net APL: Use feasible opinion help to optimize process automation

[introduction] aether net APL (advanced physics layer) define aether net communication is mixed in the sensor of process industry carry out implement the pertinent information that medium applying, will release according to IEC standard. It with the layer of physics of net of aether of new 10BASE-T1L (IEEE802.3cg-2019) that approved on November 7, 2019 the standard is a foundation, appoint the explosion proof method that be carried out in man-trap and uses. Lead process automation company is in PROFIBUS And…

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Use the DDS signal generator that is based on Raspberry Pi to achieve accurate RF test

Use the DDS signal generator that is based on Raspberry Pi to achieve accurate RF test

[introduction] in involve radio frequency (in the hardware test of RF) , the choice can be configured, already the reliable signal source of calibration is among them one of the most important facets. The article offerred the height that is based on Raspberry Pi compositive solution, its can be used at synthesizing RF signal generator, output DC comes the onefold frequency signal of 5.5 GHz, output power limits comes for 0 DBm – 40 DBm. The system that offers is…

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The outstanding car of use UWB technology

The outstanding car of use UWB technology

[introduction] to consumer and motorcade, wireless fixed position / distance feeling is measured and safe communication is to ensure burgeoning car system has the mainstay of outstanding and convenience sex, function, security and safe function. People assists functional demand to increase ceaselessly to drive automatically and enhancing a driver. However, the stone’s throw with familiar people measures a technology to exist in car application relative to positional feeling limitation, among them the most apparent have: ● Defer / the position replaces…

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