In car controller more circuit protection of intelligence? Try EFuse

In car controller more circuit protection of intelligence? Try EFuse

[introduction]In contemporary car and industrial application, dependability is crucial. From car section controller, wait for a product to the computerized numerical control in industrial application, no matter end item is simple,still be complex, if unwarrantable dependability, damage the reputation of manufacturer probably. In addition, still need to consider to guarantee the cost of maintenance, it is the cost of recall product even. In contemporary car and industrial application, dependability is crucial. From car section controller, wait for a product to…

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How should be HDMI signal isolator chosen? Try special chip!

How should be HDMI signal isolator chosen? Try special chip!

[introduction] on the tradition, the demand increases signal to keep apart on high speed interface is a very main task. The data rate that exceeds 250 Mbps commonly exceeded the capacity of smooth Ou and most number isolator. To link of a video, 24 color are transmitted below 60Hz, resolution is 1920 × 1080 (1080p) . If want to undertake to this video link signal is kept apart, we need the isolator of 4.4 Gbps total bandwidth, what just can…

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Use passive formula does infra-red sensor do motion to detect the plan that has forthright implementation?

Use passive formula does infra-red sensor do motion to detect the plan that has forthright implementation?

[introduction]The article discusses the fundamental that motion detects above all, reveal developer how to be used next withMicrochip DM080104 PIR of connective of ATtiny 1627 Curiosity Nano undertakes athletic detecting. Finally, the movement that the introduction can replace complex algorithm one kind to develop detects method. This kind of method produced machine study adequately (the advantage of ML) technology. Include the skill that introductory place requires and key among them. Summary The article discusses the fundamental that motion detects above all, reveal…

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Shed the design skill of charger of fast and electric car and solution continuously

Shed the design skill of charger of fast and electric car and solution continuously

[introduction] convenient and efficient charge the electric car to all batteries power supply (BEV) the success is crucial, can jump over with charging place much, charge rate is rapidder, consumer buys pure electric car more likely and not be fossil fuel car. The article will introduce 25 KW to shed the design skill of charger of fast and electric car continuously for you, and You Ansen is beautiful (Onsemi) rolls out relevant solution. Convenient and efficient charge the electric car…

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Commutate of synchronism of converter of promotional LLC power source and the parameter option that hold control mode compatibility gently are politic

Commutate of synchronism of converter of promotional LLC power source and the parameter option that hold control mode compatibility gently are politic

[introduction]In the application of power source converter that seeks tall changeover efficiency, the converter of LLC syntonic power source that uses LLC resonance (Resonant Power Converter) circuit framework is behaved because of its exceedingly good efficiency, in become quite popular in recent years. Be in for converter of power source of farther promotional LLC the work efficiency when burden, synchronous commutate also was used in succession in devising example (Synchronous Rectification, SR) the power loss that will decrease to export…

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Detailed analyse reserves the function of battery unit small controller and operation

Detailed analyse reserves the function of battery unit small controller and operation

[introduction]The article reserves development introduction batteries is unit (BBU) in the software of small controller, this software basically is in charge of ensuring the process moves smoothly, what be BBU thereby is efficient provide safeguard with the capacity. Hardware and software must smooth cooperation, the systematic level that just can achieve contented standard ask solution. good government means is put in first place, can ensure circuit has exceedingly good security and property, this method is simple and effective, not allow…

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The working principle of relay of open flow solid state and circuit pursue

The working principle of relay of open flow solid state and circuit pursue

[introduction] relay of open flow solid state is a kind compositive the electronic switch device of the semiconductor switch that does not have contact and drive circuit. It controls dc route through signal of feebleminded bad news, realize the switch control of the electric current in circuit. Fundamental definitionRelay of open flow solid state is a kind compositive the electronic switch device of the semiconductor switch that does not have contact and drive circuit. It controls dc route through signal…

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Has been the area spreading copper between SW and inductance jumped over greatly more?

Has been the area spreading copper between SW and inductance jumped over greatly more?

[introduction]Switch power source is the electric energy transformer that is core with power MOS, the parameter besides chip oneself can produce bigger effect to electric energy quality outside, the design of PCB also is very important. Switch power source is the electric energy transformer that is core with power MOS, the parameter besides chip oneself can produce bigger effect to electric energy quality outside, the design of PCB also is very important. Today, we will are with simple Buck circuit…

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How to pass compositive multichannel answer does with input ADC the space that get weigh in hand accept bounds challenge?

How to pass compositive multichannel answer does with input ADC the space that get weigh in hand accept bounds challenge?

[introduction] appearance of industry, instrument, smooth communication and Medical Protection industry have more and more application to begin to use much passageway data to collect a system, bring about printed circuit board (PCB) density and the challenge that heat up power comsumption respect are increased further. These use the requirement of pair of tall passageway density, drove tall passageway number, low power comsumption, small size the development that compositive data collects a solution, still ask nicety is measured, dependability, economy…

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Understanding of one article development reserves the BMS configuration in battery unit

Understanding of one article development reserves the BMS configuration in battery unit

[introduction] company of article introduction ADI is open computation project (OCP) opens frame the 3rd edition (ORV3) reserves batteries is unit (the batteries management system of BBU) (the algorithm that BMS) develops. BMS is the equipment with any data center indispensable BBU, its main effect is through monitor and adjusting batteries wraps charge condition (the safety that SOC) , healthy state and power will come to ensure batteries is wrapped. Accordingly, BMS is the complex and main component in data…

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